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Dolphin Plank Pose (Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana) – Benefits, Practicing steps and Precautions

As a core activator, the dolphin plank pose is excellent for developing strength, stability, and endurance throughout the body. It can be slightly more difficult and is frequently used as a modification for plank posture if you have finicky wrists or are searching for a greater feeling. Although it may seem simple at first, this arm balancing causes our core to tremble and causes us to shake. It tests our capacity to pull everything into the center and muster the courage to cling on with moral integrity. In this blog, we will guide you with the dolphin plank pose practicing steps along with its benefits and precautions.

Dolphin Plank Pose

Tone your arms, legs, and core with the Forearm Plank, also called Dolphin Plank or Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana. It’s a whole-body exercise. This asana offers a chance for anchoring, strengthening, and focused attention energetically. This is an excellent asana to practice to warm up your core sufficiently to burn your entire body at the start of class and during the entire practice period. If you have only a minute or two for yoga, you can employ any variant of this pose as a brief stand-alone exercise.

Forearm Plank Pose’s intermediate form is the Dolphin plank from knees on the floor. This version is less taxing on the forearms, back, and core. Students who are heavily built or unable to support their body weight in the Forearm Plank Pose can also access it because it is gentle on the pelvic area. 

Dolphin Plank – Philosophy

The yoga practice known as dolphin plank, or Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana, combines the therapeutic benefits of dolphin pose with the strengthening benefits of plank pose. From a philosophical standpoint, this position might be interpreted as embodying the characteristics of the crocodile and dolphin, after which it gets its name. The crocodile is a symbol of strength, stability, and perseverance, while the dolphin is a symbol of fun, joy, and intellect. Dolphin plank stance is also believed to open the Manipura (solar plexus) chakra, which is linked to transformation, determination, and self-assurance. It can support personal development, assist overcome concerns, and boost self-esteem.

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Dolphin Plank Pose’s (Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana) advantages

Dolphin Plank Pose's advantages
  • Dolphin Plank Pose stretches the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and entire body. Your shoulders and elbows are under pressure while you balance your body on your forearms, which strengthens your upper arms and forearms, loosens your wrists, and tones your arm muscles.
  • In addition to working on the forearms and toes while maintaining balance, this Plank Pose continuously engages the core muscles. In doing so, it tones the abdominal organs and contracts the abdominal muscles.
  • When you complete this mudra, your lower body stays elevated off the ground, except your toes. The calf and hamstring muscles are stretched when the arches are engaged, which improves the leg muscles’ strength and flexibility.
  • This pose is also an excellent way to burn fat around the abdomen when practiced as an exercise. As a result, Dolphin Plank is a great stretching pose for developing a flat tummy and a toned physique.
  • The abdominal muscles are under pressure when performing this asana. It makes the area more blood-flowing, which helps the digestive organs function more effectively. Digestive fluids and enzymes are secreted in response to it. As a result, it facilitates better digestion.
  • This posture strengthens the spine and extends the muscles of the upper body, particularly the back and neck, which benefits the entire spine from the top of the head down.
  • Dolphin plank strengthens the back muscles and corrects any bad posture because it is executed with the back straight and the body in alignment from head to toe.
  • One extremely beneficial pose is the half-dolphin plank. It improves endurance and blood circulation. It enables you to push yourself outside your comfort zone and get past barriers and mental blockages. It also provides oxygenated blood to the nervous system, which helps to relieve mental tension and despair.
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How to carry out Dolphin Plank pose

  1. Get on all fours and place yourself in the tabletop position. When you’re still on your knees, engage your upper body by pushing your abdomen up towards the back and bringing everything to the centerline.
  2. Bring your forearms to the floor at a 90-degree angle slowly. Then, align your shoulders over your elbows and your wrists with your elbows. 
  3. Reposition your feet such that you are standing on the balls of your feet. Push your heels to the rear of the space.
  4. Bring your two upper arms together, bring everything towards the midline, and push your forearms into the side of your body.
  5. You may turn into as long and straight as a plank of wood by bringing your abdominal muscles in and engaging your quadriceps by twisting them inward.
  6. Rather than bending in with the lower back, maintain extension by holding from your centre. Glute firmly without tensing and grasping.
  7. Extend across the upper chest and elongate via the neck. The look should be downward.
  8. Try to hold this position for a minute or longer after spending 30 seconds here. Return to your regular plank position and assume a downward-facing dog position to exit it.

Dolphin Plank Pose Variations

Dolphin Plank Pose Variations


Put your other hand on your hip or in the air, stack your feet, and shift your weight onto one elbow. Maintain a straight line between the shoulders and the heel. Hold on until you can get the right shape. Continue on the opposite side.

Brace Plank in front of a wall

If you practise the plank posture against a wall, you can notice the similar shape and movements.  Put your forearms on a wall while facing it. Ensure that your upper arms are parallel to the floor and that your arms are parallel to each other. Lean your weight on the wall and raise yourself onto your toes.

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Half-Dolphin Plank Position

If you are new to yoga, you can still do the Half-Dolphin Plank Pose with your knees on the floor. If the arms are unable to sustain the weight of the full body, this is also done.

Dolphin Plank – Precautions

  • If you have any injuries to the muscles in your neck, back, or spine, stay away from this pose.
  • High blood pressure sufferers should avoid Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana.
  • If you have an infection in your ear or eye, do not attempt this pose.
  • It’s advisable to stay away from those who have osteoporosis.
  • It is advised to perform Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana with knee support if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.


Everyone should practice Dolphin Plank Pose to advance their yoga practice towards spiritual enlightenment and union with the supreme soul. Students may be advised to practice table top pose knees up first, as it can strengthen their core muscles and assist them in maintaining their bodies during Dolphin Plank variation knees on floor.

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