Our Teachers

Dr Gaurav Agrawal
Dr Gaurav Agrawal is philosophy teachers and founder of Sri Yoga Ashram. Dr Agrawal possesses a PhD degree in clinical psychology and previously he was working as an assistant professor in an Indian University. This way he is more than capable in both ancient and modern scientific field. He brings his understanding of psychology in his teachings of philosophy. Gaurav was born in a traditional religious Hindu family and has been fortunate enough find the guidance of various great Himalayan spiritual Masters. Gaurav teaches yoga philosophy with the help of modern language and real life examples. For this he tells many entertaining stories. With the help of these simple stories, students get to understand the complex ideas of philosophy in a very easy manner. Dr. Agrawal teaches Patanjali Yog Sutra, Patanjali Ashtanga yoga system along with yogic ideas from Bhagavad Gita. Due to his unique and entertaining style of teaching, he is quite popular among the students. He is also the author of three books of astrology (which is also one of his talent) and his fourth book (on Yoga philosophy) is expected to come in 2018.
Yogi Arpit
Kundalini, Hatha & Yoga Nidra Teacher
Arpit is the coordinator and Kundalini and Hatha Yoga & Yoga Nidra Teacher at Sri Yoga Ashram. Arpit got the chance of learning yoga at the most famous Bihar School of Yoga, Munger. He is also the direct disciple of Swami Niranjanananda from Bihar School of Yoga and Usha Mata Ji, the famous Iyengar style yoga teacher in Rishikesh. Bihar tradition of yoga is known for the extensive use of Tantrik techniques in the practice of Hatha yoga for the self refinement. Arpit has taught in numerous schools of Rishikesh and received great appreciation from the students from all corners of the world. Arpit teaches the yoga with the motto that yoga is an effortless and gentle way of life. Initially it challenges your body and later it changes your body and mind to reach in the state of calmness peace and effortlessness. Being young Arpit is very dynamic and energetic. The good thing is that his energy is contagious. If you are in his class then you also become few years younger and stronger. Arpit also has good understanding of Naturopathy and human body. So he is always capable of sharing some advice for avoiding small injuries and getting them healed faster.

Yogi Ankur
Pranayama Teacher
Yogi Ankur is the Meditation and Pranayama teacher at Sri yoga Ashram rishikesh. Along with the practice of Pranayama he is also teaching and facilitating the sessions of Shatkarmas (yogic cleansing). He has successfully completed 500 RYT Teachers Training Course. Ankur learned the advanced techniques of Pranayama and meditation from various teachers. He has the experience of teaching yoga for many years in many countries. His techniques of meditation are effective. This is evident from the fact that many knots and complexes of the heart and mind start opening in his sessions. It is very common to see students getting emotional in his Pranayama and meditation sessions. The reason is that they find some repressed and unresolved issue getting resolved. After this the students express their gratefulness To Ankur for the wonderful and enlightening Techniques of meditation. He also shares his knowledge of correlation between breath and psychosomatic problems.
Pradeep Kumar ji
Certified Yoga Teacher & Yoga Anatomy Specialist
Pradeep Kumar is a Yoga Alliance-certified instructor with over 7 years of experience, specializing in yoga anatomy and the biomechanics of movement. With a Graduate and Master’s degree in yoga, Pradeep brings a profound understanding of how the body moves and functions, offering students a highly personalized approach to their practice. His expertise in anatomy is integral to his teachings, ensuring that each movement is safe, effective, and tailored to individual needs.
Blending traditional practices like pranayama and Ayurveda with modern anatomical principles, Pradeep focuses on alignment, balance, and body awareness. His knowledge of Ashtanga Vinyasa and Hatha Vinyasa styles allows him to create flows that not only build strength and flexibility but also enhance the body’s structural integrity.
Pradeep’s detailed attention to anatomy and alignment makes him a trusted guide for students seeking to deepen their practice with a clear understanding of their body’s mechanics.