Code Of Conduct

  1. Our training course focuses on learning, experiential & transformational aspect. Sincere of all the class routine and disciplines are integral part of the course and mandatory. Any negligence of them without prior notification to director of the school would result in termination of studentship without any refund.
  2. Student’s training program should maintain an atmosphere encouraging mutual respect, civil and congenial relationships and free from all forms of harassment and violence, where everyone can discuss their differences and exchange ideas openly, honestly and respectfully. -Use respectful language without using vulgarity, insults, abusive language, and verbal threats, will make the Yoga training program course a memorable event.
  3. Inappropriate Conduct during training program. Student should avoid public displays of affection and public nudity. Celibacy should be kept during the Yoga course. -Students should not possess, use, or distribute alcoholic beverages or illegal or recreational drugs. -Any music played in your lodging should be played so as not to disturb others. Silence is to be maintained after 10:00 pm and before 06:00 am, with no talking or loud noises especially in the sleeping areas. -Students should not make false statements about others with malice to cause harm, or publicly disclose another’s private information. Students should avoid entering into intimate relationships where an imbalance of power or influence, a conflict of interest, or other type of bias exists, for example between staff and guest, or between teacher and student.
  4. During Yoga training program smoking, alcohol, non-prescription drugs, eating meat, fish, eggs are to be avoided to maximize the effect of yoga training program.
  5. Unless otherwise specified, photography or video filming is not allowed in the venue during Yoga training program in Mind Flow Harmony Academy any times i.e., during Meditation, Satsang, Asana class, lectures, and during meals. This helps to maintain a tranquil and peaceful environment for all.
  6. For security reasons and to gain maximum benefit from yoga training program, students are encouraged to remain in the same town venue throughout their stay. The program coordinator must agree beforehand all absences from the YTTC, particularly for night and weekend excursions. A ‘free day’ is incorporated into the weekly program for sightseeing or shopping outside the venue.
  7. Students leaving the training course before completion are required to return all their teaching materials and there would be no refund of the course fee or no adjustment of the fee to any future course.
  8. Karma Yoga is an integral part of yoga training program in India. Karma Yoga is required for each student, every day. Karma Yoga is a practical approach to help eliminate egoistic and selfish tendencies in students.
  9. In case, absenting yourself due to any reason from the scheduled program without prior permission of the lead teacher would be construed as a gross breach of discipline. It would result in termination of studentship.
  10. Positive, team-oriented, optimistic attitude is a requirement for all students. Disruptive, rude, or negative behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the course.
  11. If you need any specific help regarding the course and food, convey immediately to the lead teacher.
  12. The Mind Flow Harmony Yoga Academy does not make arrangement for guests of students. Any activity which is not related to the course is not allowed.
  13. A student must intimate in advanced to mind flow harmony yoga academy office if they intend to forgo a meal so that there is no wastage of food.
  14. Before departure of Mind Flow Harmony yoga academy students must clear all dues and return all library books, if taken.

Agreement by student: As a Course Participant of the Mind Flow Harmony Yoga Academy, I do hereby agree to participate in all activities. I assume full responsibility for my personal property and myself and will endeavor to make a genuine effort towards my own self- improvement according to the teachings of Yoga. I understand that if I should break any of the rules I may be asked to leave. No refunds will be granted in any circumstance.

I hereby confirm that I understand that the training program is of intense nature and will be challenging. The course is a full-time commitment and does not allow any other activities. I declare that I have disclosed on this form all relevant details and by submitting these details to Association for Yoga and Meditation I take full responsibility for myself in attending the course.